Publicação Ano Download
    42 SILVA, F. C. D.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; SIQUEIRA, S. W. Sentiment Gradient, An Enhancement to the Truth, Lies and Sarcasm Detection In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNAI)-Advances in Artificial Intelligence – IBERAMIA 2022.1 ed.: Springer Link, 2022, v.13788, p. 107-118. 2022
    41 MACIEL, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B.;PINTO, F. B. e_Democracia In: Computação e sociedade: a sociedade.1, 2020, v.2, p. 108-140. 2020
    40 GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIEIRA, V.; VIVACQUA, A.; FRANÇA, J.; DIAS, A. Groupware 4.0: Avanços e Desafios da Computação Social In: Jornada de Atualização em Informática 2020 .1 ed.: SBC, 2020, p. 135-179. 2020
    39 CINALLI, D.; MARTI, L.; Sanchez-Pi, N. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms with Collective Intelligence In: Evolutionary Multi-Objective System Design.1 ed.: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2020, p. 51-68. 2020 DOWNLOAD
    38 NATAL, I. P.; CORDEIRO, R. A. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Activity Recognition Model Based on GPS Data, Points of Interest and User Profile In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science.1 ed.Massachussetts: Springer Link, 2017, v.10352, p. 358-367. 2017
    37 CINALLI, D.; MARTI, L.; SANCHEZ-PI, N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Bio-Inspired Algorithms and Preferences for Multi-objective Problems. No livro Hybrid artificial intelligent systems, 2016, v.9648, p. 238-249 2016 DOWNLOAD
    36 ALEMAN, J. J.; SANCHEZ-PI, N.; MARTI, L.; MOLINA, J. M.; GARCIA, A. C. B. A Data Fusion Model for Ambient Assisted Living. Highlights of Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-Agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection.1, 2016, v.616, p. 301-312. 2016 DOWNLOAD
    35 ALEMAN, J. J.; SANCHEZ-PI, N.; MARTI, L.; MOLINA, J. M.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Gamification and information fusion for rehabilitation: an ambient assisted living case study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.1, 2016, v.9755, p. 16-25. 2016 DOWNLOAD
    34 TREVISAN, D. G.; SANCHEZ-PI, N.; MARTI, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Big data visualization for occupational health and security problem in oil and gas industry.Lecture Notes in Computer Science.1 ed. : Springer International Publishing, 2015, p. 46-54. 2015
    33 ALEMAN, J.J.; SANCHEZ-PI, N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Opportunistic sensoring using mobiles for tracking users in ambient intelligence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.1 ed. : Springer International Publishing, 2015, v.376, p. 115-123 2015
    32 ALEMAN, J.J.; SANCHEZ-PI, N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. SafeRoute: an example of multi-sensoring tracking for the elderly using mobiles on ambient intelligence. Communications in Computer and Information Science.1 ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2015, p. 201-212 2015
    31 SANCHEZ-PI, N.; MARTI, L.; MOLINA, J. M.; GARCIA, A. C. B. High-level information fusion for risk and accidents prevention in pervasive oil industry environments. Communications in Computer and Information Science.1 ed. : Springer International Publishing, 2014, p. 202-213 2014
    30 SANCHEZ-PI, N.; MARTI, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Text classification techniques in oil industry applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.1 ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2014, p. 211-220. 2014
    29 FERRAZ, I. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Turbo machinery failure prognostics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.1 ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2014, p. 349-358. 2014
    28 MARTI, L.; SANCHEZ-PI, N.; MOLINA, J. M.; GARCIA, A. C. B. YASA: yet another time series segmentation algorithm for anomaly detection in big aata problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.1 ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2014, p. 697-708 2014
    27 GARCIA, A. C. B.; GUERRA, B. V.; BENTES, C.; SIMONETTI, L. An intelligent design model for offshore petroleum production elements layout. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.1 ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, p. 702-711 2012
    26 FERNANDES, L.A. F.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Association rule visualization and pruning through response-style data organization and clustering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.1 ed. : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, p. 71-80 2012
    25 SLAVIERO, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, C. Exploiting eParticipation using an ontological approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.1 ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, v.7444, p. 144-155. 2012
    24 GARCIA, A. C. B.; Portes, L. A.; Pinto, F.; SANCHEZ-PI, N. Real-Time alarm managementsystem for emergency situations. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 1 ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, v.431, p. 9-18. 2012
    23 GARCIA, A. C. B., VIVACQUA, A. S., REVOREDO, K. C., BERNADINI, F.C. Inteligência artificial para sistemas colaborativos. Pimentel, M. e Fuks, H. (Org), Sistemas Colaborativos, 2011. p. 245-263. ISBN: 978.85.352.4669.8 2011 DOWNLOAD
    22 MOTTA, C., GARCIA, A. C. B., VIVACQUA, A. S., SANTORO, F. M., SAMPAIO, J.O. Sistemas de recomendação.  Pimentel, M. e Fuks, H. (Org). Sistemas Colaborativos, 2011. p. 230-244. ISBN: 978.85.352.4669.8 2011 DOWNLOAD
    21 VIVACQUA, A. S., GARCIA, A. C. B. Ontologia de colaboração. Pimentel, M. e Fuks, H. (Org). Sistemas Colaborativos, 2011. p. 34-49. ISBN: 978.85.352.4669.8 2011 DOWNLOAD
    20 GARCIA, A. C. B. Augmenting human intelligence in goal oriented tasks. Nik Bessis; Fatos Xhafa. (Org.). Next Generation Data Technologies for Collective Computational Intelligence , 2011. vol. 352 p. 271-299. ISBN: 978-3-642-20344-2 2011 DOWNLOAD
    19 SLAVIERO, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, C. Towards an ontology to support the deployment of eParticipation environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, v. 6866, p. 146-160, 2011 2011
    18 GUELPELI, M. V., GARCIA, A. C. B., BERNARDINI, F. C. An analysis of constructed categories for textual classification using fuzzy similarity and agglomerative hierarchical methods. Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies,2010. p. 277-307. ISBN: 978.1.84996.077-9 2010 DOWNLOAD
    17 BERNARDINI, F. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; FERRAZ, I. N. An expert system based on parametric net to support motor pump multi-failure diagnostic. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 1ed.: Springer US, p. 13-20, 2009. 2009
    16 MACIEL, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Design and metrics of a “democratic citizenship community” in support of deliberative decision-making. Electronic Government. 1ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 388-400, 2007. 2007
    15 LOPES, A.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Applying collaborative filtering to reputation domain: a model for more precise reputation estimates in case of changing behavior by rated participants. Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice. 1ed.: Springer US, p. 71-80, 2006. 2006
    14 GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, C.; PINTO, F. B. A quality inspection method to evaluate e-government sites. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 198-209, 2005. 2005
    13 ALVARES, R. V.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N. STEMBR: a stemming algorithm for the brazilian portuguese language. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 693-701, 2005. 2005
    12 MACIEL, C.; NOGUEIRA, J. L.T. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. An X-ray of the brazilian e-Gov web sites. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg,  p. 1138-1141, 2005. 2005
    11 FERRAZ, I.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Improving neural classification with Markov Chain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 599-602, 2005. 2005
    10 GARCIA, A. C. B.; BENTES, C. Uso de agentes para design de layout submarino. REZENDE, S. O. (org.). Sistemas Inteligentes: fundamentos e aplicações. Barueri, SP: Manole, 2003. apl. M, p. 421-423 ISBN: 8520416837 2003 DOWNLOAD
    9 GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N. Determinação de facies de rochas a partir de curva de perfil. REZENDE, S. O. (org). Sistemas Inteligentes: fundamentos e aplicações, 2003. apl. L, p. 419-420 ISBN: 8520416837 2003 DOWNLOAD
    8 GARCIA, A. C. B.; VAREJÃO, F. M. Sistemas multiagentes para design de plantas de processo.   REZENDE, S. O. (org). Sistemas Inteligentes: fundamentos e aplicações, 2003. apl. K, p. 415-417 ISBN: 8520416837 2003 DOWNLOAD
    7 GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N.; ARAGON, D. F.; BELHOT, R. V.; ARAÚJO, E. O. Diagnóstico de falhas de transformadores. REZENDE, S. O. (org). Sistemas Inteligentes: fundamentos e aplicações, 2003. apl. E, p. 385-389 ISBN: 8520416837 2003 DOWNLOAD
    6 GARCIA, A. C. B.; SICHMAN, J. S. Agentes e sistemas multiagentes. REZENDE, S. O. (org). Sistemas inteligentes: fundamentos e aplicações, 2003. cap. 11, p. 269-306 ISBN: 8520416837 2003 DOWNLOAD
    5 GARCIA, A. C. B.; VAREJÃO, F. M.; FERRAZ, I. N. Aquisição de conhecimento. REZENDE, S. O. (org). Sistemas inteligentes: fundamentos e aplicações, 2003. cap. 3, p. 51-87 ISBN: 8520416837 2003 DOWNLOAD
    4 GARCIA, A.C. B.; MACIEL, P. M.; FERRAZ, I. N. ADDGEO: An Intelligent Agent to Assist Geologist Finding Petroleum in Offshore Lands. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 316-321. 2000. 2000
    3 VAREJÃO, F. M.; MENEZES, C. S.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; SOUZA, C. S.; FROMHERZ, M. P. J.  Towards an ontological framework for knowledge-based design systems. Artificial Intelligence in Design. 1ed.: Springer Netherlands, p. 55-75, 2000. 2000
    SILVA, C. L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. SpADD: an active design documentation framework extension applied to spatial layout design problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 337-348, 1998.
    1 GARCIA, A. C. B.; LOPES, A. A. ADDKnowledge: a tool of semiautomatic acquisition of knowledge for the construction of specialist systems. EBECKEN, N. F. F. (org). Data Mining. Southampton, UK: WITPRESS/Computational Mechanics Publication, p. 97-110, 1998.    ISBN: 1853126772 1998 DOWNLOAD