id Publicação Ano Download

PAIVA, R. ; CATALDO, W. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; R. DE MELLO, C. Digital Discrimination Detection in Ridesharing Services in Rio de Janeiro City. Nos anais do 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, p. 1205-1212.2024.


PAIVA, R. T. DE ; CATALDO, W. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; DE MELLO, C. E. . Digital discrimination detection in ridesharing services. Nos Anais do XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 2024), p. 183-191, 2024


DO NASCIMENTO, J. O. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; MATSUI SIQUEIRA, S. W. Collaborative Elaboration of Design Fiction Narratives with Participatory Design Fiction Extend. Nos anais do 2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), p. 1330-1335. 2023.


NASCIMENTO, L. DE F. ; SOUZA, G. DOS S. ; GARCIA, A. C. B.  Machine-based Stereotypes: How Machine Learning Algorithms Evaluate Ethnicity from Face Data. In: SBSI ’23: XIX Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, p. 159-166, 2023.


GALVÃO, V. F. ; MACIEL, C. ; PEREIRA, V. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Acceptability and Renown of Digital Immortality Through the Lens of the User. Nos anais do  2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), p. 4464-4469, 2023.


MORAIS, F. L. D. ; GARCIA, A. C. B.; DOS SANTOS, P. S. M. ; RIBEIRO, L. A. P. A.  Do Explainable AI techniques effectively explain their rationale? A case study from the domain expert?s perspective. Nos anais do 2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), p. 1569-1574, 2023.


PINTO, G. B. S. ; LIMA, A. A. ; ALVES, D. M. ; CATOJO, A. R. DE S. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. Mudanças à frente? Expectativas para colaboração profissional após a pandemia. Nos Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 2022),  p. 167-177, 2022.


NASCIMENTO, L. DE F. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. What’s behind a first impression? Implications for portrait selection on gig work platforms. Nos anais do Anais Estendidos do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC Estendido 2022),  p. 39-43, 2022.


DURIER DA SILVA, F. C. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; MATSUI SIQUEIRA, S. W. A Systematic Literature Mapping on Profile Trustworthiness in Fake News Spread. Nos anais do 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), p. 275-279, 2022.


GALVÃO, V. FERREIRA. ; MACIEL, C. ; PEREIRA, V. C. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; PEREIRA, R. ; VITERBO, J. Posthumous data at stake: An Overview of Digital Immortality Issues. Nos anais do IHC ’21: XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 1-8 2021. doi: 10.1145/3472301.3484358

RIBEIRO, L. A. P. A.; CINALLI, D.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Discovering Adverse Drug Reactions from Twitter: A Sentiment Analysis Perspective. Nos anais 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), p.1172 – 1177, 2021.      doi: 10.1109/cscwd49262.2021.9437783
MASSOLLAR, J.; GARCIA, A. C. B. FenceBot: An Elderly Tracking App for Mitigating Health Risk Contacts.  Nos anais do 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Support ed Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, p.1009 – 1014, 2021.    doi: 10.1109/CSCWD49262.2021.9437612
DAUDT, F.; CINALLI, D.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Research on Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques: An User Perspective. Nos anais do 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), p.144 – 149, 2021.     doi: 10.1109/CSCWD49262.2021.9437820
PINTO, N. P.; FRANCA, J.; SOUSA, H. P. S.; VIVACQUA, A.;GARCIA, A. C. B. Conversational agents for elderly interaction. Nos anais do 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE CSCWD 2021), p.1-6, 2021. doi:10.1109/CSCWD49262.2021.9437883
SILVA, W.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Where is our data? A Blockchain-based Information Chain of Custody Model for Privacy Improvement. Nos anais do 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE CSCWD 2021), 2021.      doi: 10.1109/CSCWD49262.2021.9437727
GARCIA, A. C.B.; BARROS, M. O. Using classification techniques to leverage on available information to optimize SARS-CoV-2 lab test pooling. Nos anais do 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, v. 1. p. 3733-3742, 2021.
CINALLI, D.; MARTI, L.; SANCHEZ-PI, N;; GARCIA, A. C. B. Extending Collective Intelligence Evolutionary Algorithms: A Facility Location Problem Application.  Nos Anais do 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), p.1 – 8, 2020.
GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIEIRA, V.; VIVACQUA, A.; FRANCA, J.; DIAS, A. Groupware 4.0: Avanços e desafios da computação social. Nos anais do JAI 2020 – 39ª Jornada de Atualização em Informática (JAI) , 2020.
NASCIMENTO, J. O.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIVACQUA, A. Implications of Hormonal Tracking in Team Work. Nos anais do CSCW ’20: Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, Virtual Event USA, p.347 – 351, 2020.       doi:10.1145/3406865.3418339
SILVA, W.; SACRAMENTO, C.; SILVA, E.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; LEAL FERREIRA, S. B. Health Information, Human Factors and Privacy Issues in Mobile Health Applications. Nos anais do Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, p. 3429-3438, 2020.     Qualis: A1       ISBN: 978-0-9981331          doi:10.24251/HICSS.2020.420
165 OLIVEIRA, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIVACQUA, A. Utilização de influenciadores digitais para a mobilização de seguidores em favor de causas sociais. Nos anais do XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, p.110 – 111, 2019.
164 GARCIA, A. C. B.; CARDOSO DURIER DA SILVA, F. Fake News and Sarcasm, what is the limit of a critic and what is intentionally fake? Nos anais do XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, p.58-61, 2019. 2019 DOWNLOAD
SANTOS JR., E. B.; SIMOES, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIVACQUA, A. Events that affect urban mobility patterns: an analysis of beijing GPS data. Nos anais do 2019 IEEE 23nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2019), p.1 – 10, 2019. ISBN: 978-1-28103501
2019 Download
Maciel, C.; ROQUE, L.; GARCIA, A. C.B. Mensurando a Maturidade na Tomada de Decisão em Sistemas de e-Participatição. Nos anais do XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais,  p.184 – 185, 2019.
2019 Download
SACRAMENTO, C.; FERREIRA, S. B. L.; CAPRA, E.; GARCIA, A.C.B. Pontos de Verificação para o Desenvolvimento de Redes Sociais Online: Um Estudo de Caso com Idosos Brasileiros no Facebook. Nos anais do IHC 2019 Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC), p.178-179, 2019.
2019 Download
GALVÃO, V. F; MACIEL, C.; GARCIA, A.C.B. Creating chatbots to talk with humans. Nos anais do IHC ’19: XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019.
SILVA, F.C.D ; VIEIRA, R.; GARCIA, A. C. B.  Can machines learn to detect fake news? A survey focused on social media. Nos anais do congresso HICSS 2019 – The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, p. 2763-2770, 2019.  ISBN: 978-0-9981331-2-6 Qualis: A1
2019 Download
GOUVEA, L. C; GARCIA, A. C. B; VIVACQUA, A. S. Behavior Indicators for Sensemaking of Online Discussions. Nos anais do 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), p.1366 – 1375, 2019. Qualis: A2 
doi: 10.1109/SMC.2019.8914182
2019 Download
157 SACRAMENTO, C. ; FERREIRA, S. B. L. ; CAPRA, E. ; TORRES, B. ; SILVA, E. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. Privacidade: qual o cenário de pesquisas no IHC Brasil?. Nos anais do congresso IHC 2018 XVII Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, 2018. Qualis: B2 2018
156 GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIVACQUA, A. When less is more: mining infrequent events from medium sized datasets.  Nos anais do congresso SMC 2018 – IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetic, v.1, p. 209-214, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-5386665-0-0 Qualis: A2     doi 10.1109/SMC.2018.00046 2018 DOWNLOAD
155 MONTEIRO, R. S.; A., B.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; PINTO, F. B.; OLIVEIRA, K. Water injection dynamic model for pressure instabilities investigation.  Nos anais da Conferencia Rio Oil and Gas Expo and Conference 2018. 2018 DOWNLOAD
154 MONTEIRO, R. S.; BORGES, A.; GARCIA, A. C. B. A methodology for investigating control loops behavior through the analysis of patterns using historical data. Nos anais da conferencia Rio Oil and Gas Expo and Conference 2018. 2018 DOWNLOAD
153 GARCIA, A. C. B.; SILVA, W.; CORREIA, L. The PredNews forecasting model. Nos anais do congresso dg.o 2018: 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, p. 1-6, 2018.   ISBN: 978-1-4503-6526-0 Qualis: B1   doi: 10.1145/3209281.3209295 2018 DOWNLOAD
152 CORREIA, L.; SILVA, S.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Detecting influence in wisdom of the crowds. Nos anais do congresso ICAART 2018 – 10th International Conference on agents and artificial intelligence, p. 17-24, 2018. ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2 Qualis: B1   doi: 10.5220/0006551200170024  2018 DOWNLOAD
151 NATAL, I. P.; CORDEIRO, R. A. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Activity recognition model based on GPS data, points of interest and user profile. Nos anais do congresso ISMIS – International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, p. 358 – 367, 2017. Qualis: B1  doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60438-1_35  2017
150 PINTAS, J.; CORREIA, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Crowd-based feature selection for document retrieval in highly demanding decision-making scenarios. Nos anais do congresso 21st International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, vol. 112, p. 822-832, 2017. Qualis: B1 2017 DOWNLOAD
149 GALVAO, V. F.; MACIEL, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; VITERBO, J. Life beyond the physical body: the possibilities of digital immortality. Nos anais do congresso 2017 XLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), p. 1-10, 2017.  ISBN: 978-1-5386305-7-0 Qualis: A1    doi: 10.1109/CLEI.2017.8226419 2017 DOWNLOAD
148 NAGAR, Y.; BOER, P.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Accelerating the Review of Complex Intellectual Artifacts. Nos anais no Crowdsourced Innovation Challenges. Nos anais do congresso 2016 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016), p. 1-17, 2016. Qualis: A1    doi: 10.5167/uzh-126367 2016 DOWNLOAD
147 VIVACQUA, A.; GARCIA, A. C.B.; CANÓS, J.; COMES, M.; VIEIRA, V. Collaboration and decision making in crisis situations. Nos anais do congresso 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (CSCW 2016), p.503 – 508, 2016.  ISBN: 978-1-4503-3950-6 Qualis: A1   doi: 10.1145/2818052.2855520 2016 DOWNLOAD
146 CINALLI, D.; MARTI, L.; SANCHEZ-Pi, N.;GARCIA, A. C. B. On Preference-based Interactive MOEAs: novel approaches and performance assessment . Nos anais do congresso 11th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2016), 2016. Qualis: B1 2016
145 MACIEL, C.; CAPPELLI, C.; SLAVIERO, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Technologies for popular participation. Nos anais do 17th International Digital Government Research Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o ’16) , p.202 – 211, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-4503433-9-8 doi: 10.1145/2912160.2912191 2016
144 NAGAR, Y.; BOER, P.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; MANG, K.; PENNEBAKER, J. W. Aiding expert judges in open-innovation challenges . Nos anais do congresso Collective intelligence, p. 1-4, 2015 . 2015 DOWNLOAD
143 PAULA FILHO, W.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Predição do resultado das eleições presidenciais do Brasil baseado em tuítes. Nos anais do congresso XXXV edição do Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC 2015), 2015. 2015 DOWNLOAD
142 PAULA FILHO, W. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. RoTuEl: a semi-automated method for labeling political tweets. Nos anais do congresso 24ª International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015), p.4363-4364, 2015. Qualis: A1 2015 DOWNLOAD
141 CINALLI, D., MARTI, L., SANCHEZ-PI, N., GARCIA, A. C. B. Collaborative preferences in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Nos anais do congresso SBSC, p.40-47, 2015. Qualis: B3    2015 Download
140 CINALLI, D., MARTI, L., SANCHEZ-PI, N., GARCIA, A. C. B. Using collective intelligence to support multi-objective decisions: collaborative and online preferences. Nos anais do congreso SCGSE 2015 Workshop on Software Support for Collaborative and Global Software Engineering, p.82-85, 2015.  ISBN: 9781467397759 Qualis: B4      doi: 10.1109/ASEW.2015.12 2015 Download
139 GARCIA, A. C. B.; KLEIN, M. Making sense of large-group discussions using rhetorically structured text. Nos anais do congresso SOTICS 2015 – The Fifth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics, p. 26-35, 2015.                      ISBN: 978-1-61208-443-5 2015 Download
138 SANCHEZ-Pi, N.; TREVISAN, D.; MARTI, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Big data visualization for occupational health and security problem in oil and gas industry. Nos anais do congresso HCI International 2015 Conference Management System, v. 9172. p. 46-54, 2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-20611-0. Qualis: B2      doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-20612-7_5 2015 Download
137 CINALLI, D.; MARTI, L.; SANCHEZ-Pi, N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Collective preferences in evolutionary multi-objective optimization: techniques and potential contributions of collective intelligence. Nos anais do congresso SAC 2015 – The 30th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing, p.133-138, 2015. ISBN: 978.1.4503.3196-8 Qualis: A1    doi: 10.1145/2695664.2695926 2015 Download
136 SANCHEZ-Pi, N. ; MARTI, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; MOLINA, J. M. Ontology definition and cognitive analysis in occupational health and security (OHS) environments. Nos anais do congresso SAC 2015 – The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, p.201-206, 2015.   ISBN: 9781450331968 Qualis: A1     doi: 10.1145/2695664.2695891 2015 Download
135 ALEMAN, J. J., SANCHEZ-PI, N., GARCIA, A. C. B. Opportunistic sensoring using mobiles for tracking users in ambient intelligence . Nos anais do congresso 6th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, v.376, p. 115-123, 2015.     ISBN-978-3-319-19694-7 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-19695-4_12 2015 Download
133 MURIANA, L. M., MACIEL, C., GARCIA, A. C. B. Development of open source software, a qualitative view in a knowledge management approach. Nos anais do congresso ICEIS 2014 – the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems,p 391-399, 2014  ISBN: 978-989-758-0 Qualis: B2 2014 Download
132 MARTI, L., SANCHEZ-PI, N., MOLINA, J. M., GARCIA, A. C. B. YASA: yet another time series segmentation algorithm for anomaly detection in big data problems . Nos anais do HAIS 2014 – The 9th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, p 697-708, 2014.          ISBN: 978.3.319.0716-4 Qualis: B1 2014 Download
131 MARTI, L., SANCHEZ-PI, N., MOLINA, J. M., GARCIA, A. C. B. Combining support vector machines and segmentation algorithms for efficient anomaly detection: a petroleum industry application. Nos anais do congresso SOCO 2014 – 9th International conference on soft computing models in industrial and environmental applications. v. 299, p. 269-278. ISBN:978.3.319.07994-3 2014 Download
130 SANCHEZ-PI, N.; MARTI, L.; MOLINA, J. M.; GARCIA, A. C. B. An information fusion framework for context-based accidents prevention. Nos anais do congresso Fusion 2014 – 17th International Conference on Information Fusion, p. 1-8, 2014. ISBN: 978-8-4901-2355-3 2014 Download
129 GARCIA, A. C. B. ; FERRAZ, I. N. ; VITERBO, J. ; PAIVA, D. C. Applying multiple regression analysis to adjust operational limits in condition-based maintenance. Nos anais do congresso IBERAMIA – Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, p. 754-764, 2014.  ISBN-978.3.319.12026-3 Qualis: B2         doi:10.1007/978-3-319-12027-0_61   2014 Donwload
128 SANCHEZ-PI, N., MARTI, L., GARCIA, A. C. B. Information extraction techniques for health, safety and environment applications in oil industry. No anais do congresso ISA 2013 – IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents 2013. 2013 Download
127 SANCHEZ-PI, N., MARTI, L., GARCIA, A. C. B. Ontology-based heuristic algorithm for text classification in oil industry application. No anais do congresso ICAI’13: The 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013. 2013 Download
125 MURIANA, L. M., MACIEL, C., GARCIA, A. C.B. Do facebook às ruas – comunidades em interação. No anais do congresso WAIHCWS’13 – V Workshop sobre Aspectos da Interação Humano-Computador na Web Social, v. 1051, p. 39-50, 2013. 2013 Download
124 GARCIA, A. C. B., PINTO, F., SANCHEZ-Pi, N. An Ontology-Based Tool for Collaborative and Social Sensemaking. WAIHCWS’13 – V Workshop sobre Aspectos da Interação Humano-Computador na Web Social, v.1051. p.34 – 38. 2013 DOWNLOAD
123 GARCIA, A. C. B. ; SANCHEZ-PI, N ; CORREIA, L. ; LOPEZ, J. M. M. Mutiagent simulations for emergency situations in buildings. Nos anais do ISCIF Intelligent systems for context-based information fusion – IBERAMIA 2012, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. p.1-16 . 2012 DOWNLOAD
122 SLAVIERO, C. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; MACIEL, C. Exploiting eParticipation using an ontological approach. Nos anais do ePart 2012 – 4th International conference on eParticipation, 2012, Kristiansand – Noruega. vol. 7444 p. 144-155 ISBN: 978-3-642-33249-4. 2012 DOWNLOAD
121 SLAVIERO, C. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; MACIEL, C. Métodos de participação e tecnologias de informação e comunicação: transformando participação em eParticipação. Nos anais do WCGE 2012 – IV Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico, São Paulo – Brasil. p.17-24. 2012 DOWNLOAD
120 GARCIA, A. C. B. ; PORTES, L.A. ; PINTO, F. ; SANCHEZ-PI, N . Real-time alarm management system for emergency situations. Nos anais do IEA/AIE 2012 – 25th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Dalian – China. vol. 431 p. 9-18 ISBN: 978-3-642-30731-7. 2012 DOWNLOAD
119 FERNANDES, L. A. F.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Association rule visualization and pruning through response-style data organization and clustrering. Nos anais do IBERAMIA 2012 – 13th edition of the Ibero American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cartagena de Indias – Colombia. Vol. 7637. P. 71-80 ISBN: 978-3-642-34653-8. 2012 DOWNLOAD
118 GARCIA, A. C. B. ; PORTES, L. A. ; PINTO, F. ; SANCHEZ-PI, N . Mas for alarm management system in emergencies. Nos anais do IBERAMIA 2012 – 13th edition of the Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cartagena de Indias – Colombia. Vol. 431. P.712-721 ISBN: 978-3-642-34653-8. 2012 DOWNLOAD
117 SLAVIERO, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, C. Towards an ontology to support the deployment of eparticipation environments. Nos anais do EGOVIS’11 – 2nd International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective, Toulouse – França. v. 6866 p.146-160. ISBN: 978-3-642-22961-9. 2011 DOWNLOAD
116 GUELPELI, M. V., GARCIA, A. C. B., BRANCO, A. H. The cassiopeia model: using summarization and clusterization for semantic knowledge management. Nos anais do ICADIWT 2011 The Fourth International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, Stevens Point – USA. p. 97-105 ISBN: 978-1-4244-9825-3. 2011 DOWNLOAD
115 SILVA, C. R. C. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; ROSA, J.M.C. SLMeetingRoom: a model of environment to remote support meetings, oriented tasks with small groups for second life. Nos anais do CSCWD 2011 – 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Lausanne – Suiça. p. 524-531. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0387-4. 2011 DOWNLOAD
114 SOUZA, C. S., GARCIA, A. C. B., SLAVIERO, C., PINTO, H., REPENNING, A. Semiotic traces of computational thinking acquisition. Nos anais do IS-EUD 2011 Third International Symposium, Brindisi – Itália. p.155-170 ISBN: 978-3-642-21529-2. 2011 DOWNLOAD
113 SILVA, C. R. C. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. SLMeetingRoom: um modelo de ambiente para suporte a reuniões remotas, orientadas a tarefas, com grupos pequenos para o second life. Nos anais do SBSC 2011 VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, Paraty – Brasil. p.54-61 ISBN: 978-85-7669-254-6. 2011 DOWNLOAD
112 FIGUEIREDO, K. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. Uma investigação sobre os “assuntos do momento” e a discussão de noticias no serviço de microblogging twitter. Nos anais do SBSC 2011 – VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, Paraty – Brasil. p. 9-15 ISBN: 978-85-7669-254-6. 2011 DOWNLOAD
111 MEDEIROS, J. ; ANDRADE, R.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Sensemaking na passagem de serviço em centros de terapia intensiva. Nos anais do SBSC 2011 – VIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, Paraty – Brasil. p. 132-138 ISBN: 978-85-7669-254-6. 2011 DOWNLOAD
110 BRANCO, A. H., GUELPELI, M. V., GARCIA, A. C. B. The process of summarization in the pre-processing stage in order to improve measurement of texts when clustering. Nos anais do ICITST 2011 – 6th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Abu Dhabi – Emirados Árabes Unidos. p.388-395 ISBN: 978-1-4577-0884-8. 2011 DOWNLOAD
109 GARCIA, A. C. B., VIVACQUA, A., TAVARES, T. C. Designing mobile interaction to elicit alternative solutions for participatory decision-making. Nos anais do CSCWD 2010 – The 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2010, Shanghai – China. p. 461-466 ISBN: 978-1-4244-6763-1. 2010 DOWNLOAD
108 GARCIA, A. C. B., VIVACQUA, A., TAVARES, T. C. mESA: a model for collective decision making. Nos anais do CSCW 2010 – The 2010 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2010, Savannah – EUA. ISBN: 978-1-60558-795-0. P.1-8. 2010 DOWNLOAD
107 GARCIA, A. C. B., VIVACQUA, A. So much training and so many accidents: understanding the problems with handoffs in medicine and offshore oil process plants. Nos anais do CSCW 2010 Computer Supported Cooperative Work Workshop, 2010, Savannah – EUA. p. 1-3 ISBN: 978-1-60558-795-0. 2010 DOWNLOAD
106 SILVA, C.R.C.; KNECHTEL,M.; RESMINI, R.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; MONTENEGRO, A. A. Simulated architecture and programming model for social proxy in second life. Nos anais do i-Society 2010 International Conference on Information Society, Londres – Inglaterra. p. 31-35 ISBN: 978-0-9564263-3-8. 2010 DOWNLOAD
105 SLAVIERO, C.; MEDEIROS, J.; FIGUEIREDO, K.; SILVA, W.; SILVA, C. R. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Medindo emoções em reuniões no second life. Nos anais do IXDSA – Interaction South America 2010, Curitiba – Brasil. ISBN: 978-1-60558-246-7. 2010 DOWNLOAD
104 SILVA, M. C. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; CONCI, A. A multi-agent system for dynamic path planning. Nos anais do BWSS2010 Second Brazilian Workshop on Social Simulation, São Bernardo do Campos – Brasil. p. 47-51 ISBN: 978-1-4577-0895-4. 2010 DOWNLOAD
103 SILVA, C. R. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Building an approach to work together in second life. Nos anais do MexIHC 2010 Third Workshop on human-computer interaction, San Luis Potosi – Mexico. 2010 DOWNLOAD
102 GARCIA, A. C. B. AGUIA: agents guidance for intelligence amplification in goal oriented tasks. Nos anais do EDTCI-2010 – First International Workshop on Emerging Data Technologies for Collective Intelligence, 2010, Fukuoka – Japão. p. 338-344 ISBN: 978-0-7695-4237-9. 2010 DOWNLOAD
101 SILVA, C. R. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. A experiência da produção de filmes em ambientes virtuais colaborativos. Nos anais do SBSC 2010: VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, Belo Horizonte- Brasil. v. 1. p. 55-62. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4239-3. 2010 DOWNLOAD
100 G. V. L. Moisés; S. F. A. Andrade; GARCIA, A. C. B. Sucker-rod pumping failures diagnostic system. Nos anais da conferencia SPE Annual Technical Conference And Exhibition 2010, Florença – Itália. p.1-12 ISBN:978-1-55563-300. 2010 DOWNLOAD
99 GOMES, A.; VIVACQUA, A.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Troubleshooting collaborative ontology design. Nos anais do CSCWD’09 – 13 th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. Washington – EUA, 2009. p. 149-154. ISBN: 978-1-4244-3534-0. 2009 DOWNLOAD
98 BERNARDINI, F. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N. An expert system based on parametric net to support motor pump multi-failure diagnostic. Nos anais AIAI 2009 – 5th IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations , 2009, Thessaloniki -Grecia. v. 296. p. 13-20. ISBN: 978-1-4419-0221-4. 2009 DOWNLOAD
97 VIVACQUA, A. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. Individual and group work in sensemaking:an ethongraphic study. Nos anais do CHI 2009 Sensemaking workshop, 2009, Boston – EUA. ISBN 978-1-60558-246-7. P. 1-5 . 2009 DOWNLOAD
96 SILVA, C. R. C., TAVARES, T. C., GARCIA, A. C. B., NOGUEIRA, J. L. Governo eletrônico em ambientes colaborativos virtuais. Nos anais do SBSI 2009 – V Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, Brasilia – Brasil. p. 121-132 ISBN: 978-85-7669-237-9. 2009 DOWNLOAD
95 MACIEL, C.; ROQUE, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Democratic citizenship community: a social network to promote e-Deliberative process. Nos anais do 10th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Social Networks: Making Connections between Citizens, Data and Government, Puebla – Mexico, 2009. v. 390 p. 25-34. ISBN: 978-1-60558-535-2. 2009 DOWNLOAD
94 MACIEL, C.; ROQUE, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Princípios para o projeto de comunidades virtuais governamentais com fins e-Democráticos. Nos anais do WCGE2009 – XXIX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação – I Workshop de Computação Aplicada em Governo Eletrônico. Bento Gonçalves – Brasil. p. 1377-1391. ISSN 2175-2761. 2009 DOWNLOAD
93 TAVARES, T. C.; NOGUEIRA, J. L. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. m-Participação: um modelo para auxiliar no aumento da participação do cidadão no processo decisório governamental. Nos anais do WCGE 2009 – XXIX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação – I Workshop de Computação Aplicada. Bento Gonçalves – Brasil. p.1393-1406 ISSN 2175-2761. 2009 DOWNLOAD
92 MACIEL, C.; PEREIRA, V. C.; ROQUE, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Applying the discourse theory to the moderator´s interferences in web debates. Nos anais do ICEIS 2009 – 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Milão – Itália v. 24. p. 882-893. ISBN: 978-3-642-01346-1. 2009 DOWNLOAD
91 MOLINA, J. M. ; GARCIA, J.; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; MELO, R.H.C. ; CORREIA, L. Segmentation and classification of time-series:real case studies. Nos anais do IDEAL 09 – 10th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, 2009, Burgos – Espanha v. 5788 p. 743-750. ISBN: 978-3-642-04393-2. 2009 DOWNLOAD
90 GUELPELI, M. V.; BRANCO, H. A.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Cassiopeia: a model based on summarization and clusterization used for knowledge discovery in textual bases. Nos anais do IEEE NLP-KE’09 – 2009 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language processing and knowledge engineering,2009, Dalian – China p.1-8 ISBN: 978-1-4244-4538-7. 2009 DOWNLOAD
89 VIVACQUA, A., GARCIA, A. C. B. Construção colaborativa de ontologias. Nos anais do 2o Seminário de Pequisa em Ontologia no Brasil, 2009, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. 2009 DOWNLOAD
88 GARCIA, A. C. B. ; VIVACQUA, A. Does ontology help make sense of a complex world or does it create a biased interpretation? . Nos anais do CHI 2008 Sensemaking Workshop, 2008, Florença – Itália. P. 1-7. 2008 DOWNLOAD
87 MACIEL, C.; ROQUE, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Measuring the e-Participation in decision-making processes through online surveys. Nos anais do Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2008, Barcelona – Espanha. v. ISAS-2. p. 426-434. ISBN: 978-989-8111-38-8. 2008 DOWNLOAD
86 SILVA, B. N.; SILVA, L.H da.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Achieving accessibility with self-interested designers: a strategic knowledge-acquisition approach. Nos anais do ACM CHI´08 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Works in Progress, 2008, Florença – Italia. p. 2733-2738. ISBN: 978-1-60558-012-8. 2008 DOWNLOAD
85 MACIEL, C.; ROQUE, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Struturing e-Deliberative process with online surveys: methodology and evaluation. Nos anais do 7th International Conference of Electronic Government, 2008, Turin – Itália. v. 1 p. 99-106 ISBN 978-3-540-85203-2. 2008 DOWNLOAD
84 GARCIA, A. C. B., VIVACQUA, A. NRV: using nested rings to interact with categorical data. Nos anais do IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008, Amsterdam, 2008. p. 85-92 ISBN: 978-972-8924-59-1. 2008 DOWNLOAD
83 FERRAZ, I. N., GARCIA, A. C. B., BERNARDINI, F. C. Artificial neural networks ensemble used for pipeline leak detection systems. Nos anais do IPC 2008 – 7th International Pipeline Conference 2008, Calgary – Canada. v. 1 p. 739-747 ISBN: 978-0-7918-4857-9. 2008 DOWNLOAD
82 PLACCA, J. A.; DUTRA, I. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Tricoord+ : an model for conflict resolution in multiagent systems. Nos anais do EngOpt 2008 the International Conference on Engineering Optimization, 2008, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. 2008 DOWNLOAD
81 VIVACQUA, A. S. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. Mineração de dados baseada em ontologia. Nos anais do I Seminário de Pesquisa em Ontologia, 2008, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. p. 38-43 ISBN: 978-85-61777-07-4. 2008 DOWNLOAD
80 VIVACQUA, A. S. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. Radical collocation for ontology construction: towards a particular solution for distributed ontology design. Nos anais do CSCW 2008 Workshop em Virtual radical Collocation, 2008, San Diego – EUA. p.1-4. 2008 DOWNLOAD
79 VIVACQUA, A. S. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. From certification to organizational learning: a case study of a major international organization. Nos anais do ISMICK 2008 – International Symposium on the Management of Industrial and Corporate Knowledge, 2008. p. 1-10 ISBN: 9788589461023. 2008 DOWNLOAD
78 GUELPELI, M. V., BERNARDINI, F.C., GARCIA, A. C. B. Todas as palavras da sentença como mátrica para um sumarizador automático. Nos anais do VI Workshop em Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana, 2008. p. 287-291 ISBN: 978-85-7669-199-0. 2008 DOWNLOAD
77 GONZAGA, T.; BENTES, C.; RICARDO, F.; CASTRO, M. C. S.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Using distributed-shared memory mechanisms for agents communication in a distributed system. Nos anais do ISDA’07 – Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2007, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. p. 39-46. ISBN: 0-7695-2976-3. 2007 DOWNLOAD
76 MACIEL, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Design and metrics of a ‘democratic citizenship community’ in support of deliberative decision-making. Nos anais do EGOV’07 – 6th International Conference on Eletronic Government, 2007, Regensburg – Alemanha. v. 4656. p. 388-400. ISBN: 978-3-540-74443-6. 2007 DOWNLOAD
75 SILVA, B. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Ka-Captcha: an opportunity for knowledge acquisition on the web. Nos anais do AAAI-07 – 22th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2007, Vancouver – Canada. p. 1322-1327 ISBN: 978-1-57735-323-2. 2007 DOWNLOAD
74 MACIEL, C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Modeling of a democratic citizenship community to facilitate the consultative and deliberative process in the web. Nos anais do Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2007, Funchal, Ilha da Madeira – Portugal . v. 4656. p. 387-394 ISBN: 978-972-8865-90-0. 2007 DOWNLOAD
73 GUELPELI, M. V.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Automatic summarizer based on pragmatic profiles. Nos anais do IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2007, Vila Real – Portugal. v. 2. p. 149-153. ISBN: 978-972-8924-44-7. 2007 DOWNLOAD
72 GUELPELI, M. V.; GARCIA, A. C. B. An analysis of constructed categories for textual classification using fuzzy similarity and agglomerative hierarchical methods. Nos anais do 2007 IEEE International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet- Based Systems, 2007, Shanghai – China. p. 92-99. ISBN: 978.0.7695.3122-9. 2007 DOWNLOAD
71 NOGUEIRA, J. L.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; CORREIA, L. e-Citizen interacting with virtual government institutions. Nos anais do EPIA 2007 – 13º Encontro Português de Inteligência Artificial, 2007, Guimarães – Portugal. p. 692-703. ISBN: 1397898995618. 2007 DOWNLOAD
70 LOPES, A. C. F.; GARCIA, A. C. B. A model for generating more precise reputation estimates in case of changing behavior by the rated agents. Nos Anais do AAMAS 2006 9th workshop on trust in agent societies, 2006, Hakodate – Japão. p. 61-70. 2006 DOWNLOAD
69 LOPES, A. C. F; GARCIA, A. C. B. Applying collaborative filtering to reputation domain: a model for more precise reputation estimates in case of changing behavior by the rated participants. Nos anais do IFIP AI 2006 Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice, IFIP 19th World Computer Congress, TC 12: IFIP AI 2006 Stream, 2006, Santiago – Chile. v. 217. p. 71-80. ISBN: 0.387.34654-6. 2006 DOWNLOAD
68 GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N.; COTRIM, V. M. S. Web ontology to enable e-Citizenship. Nos Anais do 2006 AAAI Spring Symposium the Semantic Web meets eGovernment, 2006, Califórnia-USA. p. 18-20 ISBN: 978.1.57735.267-9. 2006 DOWNLOAD
67 SILVA, B. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. A hybrid method for image taxonomy: using CAPTCHA for collaborative knowledge acquistion. Nos Anais do AAAI Fall Symposium on Semantic Web for Collaborative Knowledge, 2006, Washington – EUA. p. 17-23 ISBN: 978.1.57735.304-1. 2006 DOWNLOAD
66 GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N.; PINTO, F. The role of domain ontology in text mining applications: the ADDMiner project. Nos anais do ICDM 2006 – 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2006, Hong Kong – China. p. 34-38. ISBN: 0.7695.2702-7. 2006 DOWNLOAD
65 VIEIRA, E. A.; MELO, R. H. C. de; GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N. Modelo ADDTL aplicado ao traçado da reta de tendência normal para determinação de instabilidade de poços de petróleo. Nos anais do ENIA 2005 – V Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, 2005, São Leopoldo – Brasil. v. 1. p. 661-671. ISBN: 8576690330. 2005 DOWNLOAD
64 FERRAZ, I. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Lithofacies recognition hybrid bench. Nos anais do HIS’05 Fifth International Conference on Hybrid, 2005, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. v. 1. p. 87-91. ISBN: 0-7695-2457-5. 2005 DOWNLOAD
63 ALVARES, R. V.; GARCIA, A. C. B. ALVARES, R. V.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Evaluating stemmers for the portuguese language. Nos anais do Jornadas Chilenas de Ciencias de la Computacion, 2005,Valdivia – Chile. v. 1. p. 1-6. 2005 DOWNLOAD
62 MACIEL, C.; THOMASELLI, J. L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. g-Quality: um método para avaliação da qualidade dos sítios de e-Gov. Nos anais do SUCESU, 10º Congresso Estadual de Informática e Telecomunicações 2005, Cuiabá – Brasil. v. 1. p. 1-10. 2005 DOWNLOAD
61 SANTOS, M.; MACIEL, C.; NOGUEIRA, J. L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Segurança em sítios de governo eletrônico brasileiros: um estudo de caso. Nos anais do I2TS’2005 4th International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Symposium, 2005, Florianópolis – Brasil. v. 1. p. 1-4. 2005 DOWNLOAD
60 CIUFFO, L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Applying the HYRIWYG incentive mechanism in a recommender system. Nos anais do WI’05 – The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence 2005, Compiègne, França. v. 1. p. 770-773. ISBN: 0-7695-2415-x. 2005 DOWNLOAD
59 GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, C.; PINTO, F. A quality inspection method to evaluate e-government sites. Nos anais do EGOV2005 – 4th International Conference, 2005, Copenhagen – Dinamarca. v. 3591. p. 198-209 ISBN: 978-3-540-28466-6. 2005 DOWNLOAD
58 GARCIA, A. C. B.; NOGUEIRA, J. L.; FERRAZ, I. N. E-GOV sites domain: a brazilian case. Nos anais do IADIS – International Conference WWW/Internet 2005, Lisboa – Portugal. v.1 p. 371-378. ISBN: 972.8924.02-x. 2005 DOWNLOAD
57 ALVARES, R. V.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N. STEMBR: a stemming algorithm for the brazilian portuguese language. Nos anais do EPIA 2005 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2005, Covilhã- Portugal. v. 3808. p. 693-701 ISBN: 354030737-0. 2005 DOWNLOAD
56 GARCIA, A. C. B.; PINTO, F.; FERRAZ, I. N. Technology as a new backbone to democracy. Nos anais do IADIS – International Conference Web Based Comunities, 2004, Lisboa – Portugal. p. 215-222 ISBN: 9729894744. 2004 DOWNLOAD
55 MARQUES, E.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N. RED: a model to analyse web navigation patterns. Nos anais do CADUI – International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2004, Funchal, Ilha da Madeira – Portugal. 2004 DOWNLOAD
54 CONCI, A. ; FERRAZ, I. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; VIEIRA, E. A. ; MELO, R. H. C. Avaliação da geometria dos meios porosos por imagens binárias. Nos anais do DINCON 2004 – 3º Congresso Temático de Dinâmica e Controle da SBMAC, 2004, São Paulo – Brasil. p. 1393-1403 ISBN: 85.86883.16-6. 2004 DOWNLOAD
53 CONCI, A.; FERRAZ, I. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIEIRA, E. A.; MELO, R. H. C. Utilização de imagens monocromáticas com grãos sobrepostos na avaliação da geometria dos meios porosos. Nos anais do DINCON 2004 – 3º Congresso Temático de Dinâmica e Controle da SBMAC, 2004,São Paulo-Brasil. p. 1404-1414. ISBN: 85.86883.16-6. 2004 DOWNLOAD
52 GARCIA, A. C. B. ; EKSTROM, M. ; BJÖRNSSON, H. HYRIWYG: leveraging personalization to elicit honest recommendations. Nos anais do EC`04 – ACM Conference on Eletronic Commerce, 2004, Nova Iorque – EUA. p. 232-233 ISBN: 1.58113.711-0. 2004 DOWNLOAD
51 PINTO, F.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N. A new model for digital inclusion in brazilian cities. Nos anais do Iadis International Conference – E-SOCIETY 2004, Avila – Espanha. p.79-86 ISBN:972.98947.5.2. 2004 DOWNLOAD
50 LEIRADELLA, A.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Controlador de atuação de agentes: prevenindo danos causados por agentes estúpidos. Nos anais do WTDIA’04 – II Workshop de Teses e Dissertações em Inteligência Artificial 2004, São Luiz – Brasil. p. 21-30. 2004 DOWNLOAD
49 CONCI, A. ; FERRAZ, I. N. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. ; BURKLE, P Y ; MELO, R. H. C. Particle analyzer: an hybrid approach for microscopic granulometry. Nos anais do IWSSIP’04 – 11th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image 2004, Poznan, Poland. v. 1. p. 39-42. ISBN: 83.906074.8.4. 2004 DOWNLOAD
48 GARCIA, A. C. B.; KUNZ, J.; FISHER, M. Cutting to the chase: improving meeting effectiveness by focusing on the agenda. Nos anais do CSCW 2004 – ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative,. 2004, Chicago-EUA. p. 346-349 ISBN: 1.58113.810.5. 2004 DOWNLOAD
47 FERRAZ, I. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; SOMBRA, C. L. Neural networks and fuzzy logic for improving facies recognition from well log data. Nos anais do SBIA’2004 – XVII Brasilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, 2004, São Luiz – Brasil. 2004 DOWNLOAD
46 FERRAZ, I. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Lithofacies recognition supporting tools. Nos anais do The International Conference on Information and Computer Science: Internet and Mobile Computing,2004, Dhahran – Arábia Saudita. p.87-91 ISBN: 0-7695-2457-5. 2004 DOWNLOAD
45 GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, C.; NOGUEIRA, J. L.; CIUFFO, L. N. Avaliação heurística de sítios na web. Nos anais do SUCESU-MT 9º Congresso Regional de Informática e Telecomunicações, 2004, Cuiabá – Brasil. 2004 DOWNLOAD
44 PLACCA, J. A.; DUTRA, I. C.; GARCIA. A. C. B. Um Modelo de resolução de conflitos em sistemas multiagentes aplicado ao projeto de uma plataforma offshore de petróleo. Nos anais do 20º Congresso Nacional de Transportes Marítimos, Construção Naval e Offshore, 2004, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil. p. 1-9. 2004 DOWNLOAD
43 GARCIA, A. C. B.; MARQUES, E. Web navigation patterns: looking for business opportunities hidden in web site data logs. Nos anais do ICEIS’2003 – 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2003. v. IV. p. 212-217. 2003 DOWNLOAD
42 NOGUEIRA, J. L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Understanding the tradeoffs of interface evaluation methods. Nos anais do HCI – INTERNATIONAL 2003 – 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Creta, 2003. P. 676-680. 2003 DOWNLOAD
41 GARCIA, A. C. B.; de OLIVEIRA, M. V. Um modelo para criação de ferramentas de apoio a testes de usabilidade de interfaces. Nos anais do IHC’2002 5th Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems, 2002. p. 177-188. 2002 DOWNLOAD
40 FERRAZ, I. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; SOMBRA, C. L. Cooperative filtering: the role of human perception on selecting input data to supervised learning systems. Nos anais do AIA2002 – IASTED International Conference: Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2002. p. 465-469. 2002 DOWNLOAD
39 PLACCA, J. A.; GARCIA, A. C. B. A multiagent system applied to the design of petroleum offshore platforms. Nos anais do ICEIS 2001 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2001. v. 1 p. 311-314. 2001 DOWNLOAD
38 GARCIA, A. C. B.; LOPES, A. A. Using intelligent agents to find opportunities in electronic auctions. Nos anais do SSGRR’2001 – International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science and Education on the Internet, 2001. p. 61-67. ISBN-8885280617. 2001 DOWNLOAD
37 FERRAZ, I. N.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Reconhecimento de imagens usando redes neurais ou reflexões sobre a importância da filtragem de dados para reconhecimento de imagens. Nos anais do V Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais, 2001. v.1 p. 559-563. 2001 DOWNLOAD
36 GARCIA, A. C. B.; BENTES, C. PorAqui: a case study of introducing text generation to improve WAP application usability. Nos anais do SCI’2001 – 5Th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics e ISAS’2001 International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, 2001. v.IV p. 161-166. 2001 DOWNLOAD
35 GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N. Broadcast agent: intelligent agents for TV distribuition. Nos anais do SCI’2001 – 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics e ISAS’2001 – 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, 2001. v. V. p. 13-18. 2001 DOWNLOAD
34 LOPES, A. A.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; BENTES, C. Ampliando oportunidades de negócios com agentes em leilões eletrônicos. Nos anais do CBCOMP’2001 – I Congresso Brasileiro de Computação, 2001. p. 336-348. 2001 DOWNLOAD
33 GARCIA, A. C. B.; LOPES, A. A.; SIEDEL, C. AgILE: intelligent agents to assist electronic auction. Nos anais do ICEIS’2001 – Third International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2001. v.2 p. 1174-1178. 2001 DOWNLOAD
32 GARCIA, A. C. B.; LOPES, A. A.; BENTES, C. Intelligent agents to assist electronic auction. Nos anais ICAI’2001 – International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Las Vegas, 2001. p. 1-10. 2001 DOWNLOAD
31 GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, P.; MARTINS, M. A. C. An active environment to assist individual and group decision-making processes. Nos anais do ECIS’2000 European Conference on Information Systems, 2000. v.1 p. 259-265. 2000 DOWNLOAD
30 VAREJÃO, F. M.; ASSIS, S. C.; GARCIA, A. C. B. HyperADD: an incremental and hybrid approach for knowledge acquisition on active design documents. Nos anais do FLAIRS’2000 13th International Flairs Conference, 2000. p. 176-180. 2000 DOWNLOAD
29 CARRETTI, C. E. L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. CineADD: construindo a estória do design. Nos anais do III Workshop sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais: Muitas Faces em Interfaces. Porto Alegre: Instituto de Informática da UFRGS, 2000. p. 179-187. 2000 DOWNLOAD
28 VAREJÃO, F. M.; MENEZES, C. S. de; GARCIA, A. C. B.; SOUZA, C. S.; FROMHERS, M. P. J. Towards an ontological framework for knowledge-based design systems. Nos anais do AID’00 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design , 2000.p. 55-75. 2000 DOWNLOAD
27 PLACCA, J. A.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Tri-Coord: um modelo multi-agente descentralizado baseado em leis sociais. Nos anais do X Claio X Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación de Operaciones y Sistemas. III Taler Nacional de Matematicas y Finanzas, México, 2000. 2000 DOWNLOAD
26 PLACCA, J. A.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Um modelo multi-agente descentralizado em ambientes fechados baseado em leis sociais. Nos anais do IBERAMIA/SBIA International Artificial Joint Conference- XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial – VII Congresso Íbero-Americano de Inteligência Artificial, 2000. p. 67-76. 2000 DOWNLOAD
25 GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, P.; FERRAZ, I. N. ADDGeo: an intelligent agent to assist geologist finding petroleum in offshore lands. Nos anais do IEA/AIE 13th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, 2000. v.1821 p. 316-321. 2000 DOWNLOAD
24 MOURA, R. I.; GARCIA, A. C. B. DKAT: a knowledge configuration tool applied to design. Nos anais do 12th Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management, 1999. v.1 p.1-13. 1999 DOWNLOAD
23 GARCIA, A. C. B.; MACIEL, P. M. Um sistema inteligente para auxiliar a elaboração de propostas de projetos submetidas ao processo CTO. Nos anais do V INFTEL – Congresso Petrobras de Informática e Telecomunicações, 1999. 1999 DOWNLOAD
22 GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N.; MACIEL, P. M. ADDGeo: um sistema inteligente para auxiliar a interpretação de lâminas de rochas carbonáticas. Nos anais do V INFTEL – Congresso Petrobras de Informática e Telecomunicações, 1999. 1999
21 GARCIA, A. C. B.; FERRAZ, I. N.; ARAÚJO, E. O.; BELHOT, R. Intelligent systems for transformers tests. Nos anais do ISAP’99 The International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems, 1999. p. 209-215. 1999 DOWNLOAD
20 MENEZES, R. A.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; FUCKS, J. Utilizando agentes no suporte à avaliação informal no ambiente de instrução baseado na Web-aulaNet.. Nos anais do SBIE’98 IX Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 1998. 1998 DOWNLOAD
19 GARCIA, A. C. B.; PLACCA, J. A. The tri-coord: a descentralized multiagent model in closed environments. Nos anais do EXPERSYS’98 Expert Systems Applications, 1998. 1998 DOWNLOAD
18 SILVA, C. L.; GARCIA, A. C. B. SpADD: an active design documentation framework extension applied to spatial layout design problems. Nos anais do IBERAMIA’98 6th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1998. v.1484 p. 337-348. 1998 DOWNLOAD
17 VAREJÃO, F. M.; FROMHERZ, M. P. J.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; de SOUZA, C. S. An integrated framework for the specification and design of reprographic machines. Nos anais do AIENG’98 13th Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence IN Engineering, 1998. p. 63-66. Nos anais do AIENG’98 13th Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence IN Engineering, 1998. p. 63-66. 1998 DOWNLOAD
16 GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIVACQUA, A. S. MultiADD: a multiagent active design document model to support group design. Nos anais do AAAI’97 14th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1997. p. 1066-1071. 1997 DOWNLOAD
15 VAREJÃO, F. M.; GARCIA, A. C. B.; SOUZA, C. S. Acquiring strategic knowledge from active design documents. Nos anais do SKW’97 Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation Workshop, Loughborough, Inglaterra. 1997. Qualis: B1. 1997
14 GARCIA, A. C. B.; ANDRADE, J. C.; RODRIGUES, R. F.; MOURA, R. ADDVAC: applying active design documents for the capture, retrieval and use of rationale during offshore platform VAC design. Nos anais do AAAI’97 14Th National Conference on Artificial Intellingence and Ninth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, 1997. p. 986-991. ISBN: 0-262-51095-2. 1997 DOWNLOAD
13 GARCIA, A. C. B.; VIVACQUA, A. S. The use of active design documents to assist conflict mitigation in concurrent engineering. Nos anais do CE/ISPE’96 3rd Conference on Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, 1996. P. 65-72. 1996 DOWNLOAD
12 MAIA, A. C. P.; LUCENA, C. J. P.; GARCIA, A. C. B. A method for analyzing team design activity. Nos anais do DIS’95 Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods and Techniques. 1995. p. 149-156. 1995 DOWNLOAD
11 GARCIA, A. C. B.; de SOUZA, C. S. Rhetorical structures in the delivery of design intent. Nos anais do ASCE’95 Congress for Computing in Civil Engineering. 1995. v. 2 p. 1443-1452. 1995 DOWNLOAD
10 SOUZA, C. S.; GARCIA, A. C. B. Towards a rhetoric of active design documents. Nos anais do SBIA’94 – XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial. 1994. p. 523-534. 1994 DOWNLOAD
9 GARCIA, A. C. B. Using active documents for design reuse. Nos anais do IJCAI’93 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence – Reuse of Designs: an Interdisciplinary Cognitive Approach. 1993. p. 78-97. 1993 DOWNLOAD
8 GARCIA, A. C. B.; STEFIK, M.; HOWARD, H. C. Supporting design collaboration through active documents. Nos anais do SBIA’93 – X Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial. Porto Alegre, Brasil, 1993. v.1 p. 389-402. 1993 DOWNLOAD
7 GARCIA, A. C. B. Incremental acquisition of design models. Nos anais do EKAW’93 7th European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop. 1993. p. 117-132. 1993 DOWNLOAD
6 GARCIA, A. C. B. Externalizing collaborative design: the use of AI techniques in support of design process. Nos anais do IJCAI’93 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI in Design Workshop. 1993. p. 42-46. 1993 DOWNLOAD
5 GARCIA, A. C. B.; HOWARD, H. C. Active design documents: from information archives to design model construction or making documents useful. Nos anais AIENG’93 – Eighth International Conference Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 1993. v.2 p. 233-244. 1993 DOWNLOAD
4 GARCIA, A. C. B.; HOWARD, H. C. ADD’s model for acquiring design rationale. Nos anais do AAAI’92 – 10th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence – Design Rationale Capture and Use Workshop. 1992. p. 91-98. 1992 DOWNLOAD
3 GARCIA, A. C. B.; HOWARD, H. C. Building a model for augmented design documentation. Nos anais do AID’91 – Artificial Intelligence in Design Conference,1991. P. 723-726. 1991 DOWNLOAD
2 GARCIA, A. C. B.; SOARES, E.; FORTUNY, J. Aspectos de implementação de um processador de linguagem natural em Pascal. Nos anais do SBIA’86 – 3º Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1986. p. 106-112. 1986 DOWNLOAD
1 GARCIA, A. C. B.; SOARES, E. Diálogo. Nos anais do SBIA’85 – 2º Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Artificial. São José dos Campos, Brasil, 1985. p. 163-166. 1985 DOWNLOAD